Cannabis Marketing Strategies

Maaly Blog #1 Resources for Cannabis
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Aug 25
Email Marketing
10 min read

Email deliverability issues due to a damaged sender reputation can cripple your marketing efforts leaving you frustrated as revenue disappears.

The kicker is that most online business owners don't even know they have a deliverability issue and their emails are going to spam.

If you suspect something is wrong, the clearest indicator of an email deliverability issue is low engagement and high spam rates. Open rates under 20%, CTR under 0.5%, and spam above 0.1%.

If this is your situation what can you do to recover email deliverability, get out of spam, and improve revenue?

We're gonna walk you through a step-by-step process to assess your current status, implement technical fixes, improve your content to engage subscribers and improve email deliverability.

We'll also cover list hygiene, sending practices, and ways to warm up your IP. By the end, you'll have a toolkit to help your messages reach their intended destinations and improve your email marketing results.

Assess Your Current Deliverability Status

You suspect you have an email deliverability issue but how do you prove it?

Start by checking if your domain or IP address is listed on any email blacklists, as this can significantly impact your deliverability [1].

Analyze your email engagement metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, to gauge how your audience interacts with your emails [3].

Sign up for Google Postmaster Tools to review spam complaints, domain reputation, and delivery errors to identify any red flags that could harm your sender reputation.

Lastly, you can use a tool like GlockApps to do a spam test to confirm emails sent from your domain are landing in spam.

Once you've confirmed your emails are landing in spam you need to execute the following steps to recover your sender reputation.

The Protocol To Recover Email Deliverability & Get Out of Spam

To get your emails out of spam and begin recovering your email deliverability, you first need to do the following things:

  1. Authenticate your emails: Verify the legitimacy of your emails by implementing email authentication records like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. This helps prevent spoofing and improves your sender's reputation.
  2. Optimize your email content: Avoid excessive use of trigger words, special characters, all caps, and too many images. Use plain text, and limit the number of links to prevent spam filters from flagging your emails.
  3. Adhere to anti-spam laws: Comply with global anti-spam laws like GDPR, CASL, and CAN-SPAM Act. Don't use deceptive subject lines, include a valid physical address, and honor opt-out requests.
  4. Get dedicated IP addresses: Dedicated IPs from your own domain give you more control and customizability. It prevents other senders from affecting your reputation, increasing your chances of reaching the inbox.
  5. Clean your email list: Remove invalid, expired, or inactive subscribers from your list. This reduces bounces and spam complaints, improving your sender reputation and email deliverability.
  6. Test your emails: Use spam testing tools to analyze your emails for potential issues like trigger words, broken links, or inappropriate visuals. Test your email design, layout, readability, and responsiveness on multiple devices to optimize for engagement.

Steps To Improve Sender Reputation & Re-warmup IPs

Once you've done the above you can execute the following plan to recover sender reputation and warmup your IPs:

  • Turn off low engagement flows: Low engagement rates will hold back your efforts to recover your email deliverability. Turn off your email flows like Winback, Cross Sell, and Sunset. We advise limiting the number of active emails in each flow by turning off all emails except for the first two in the funnel.
  • Turn off 3rd party marketing apps: If you're using apps to collect email leads disconnect them. You need to be 100% sure of the quality and likelihood the emails are going to engage with your campaigns.
  • Encourage replies: Remove all links from your emails and switch to asking for replies from your subscribers. Yes, your placed order rates will drop but replies show Gmail and Yahoo that the email sender represents real people and not scammers.

Step 1:

When re-warming your IPs and repairing domain reputation you should only send emails to subscribers who you know will engage with your campaigns.

This will result in a small list improving open and click-through rates showing email providers like Gmail that your domain can trusted and it is a reputable sender.

Build the following segments from your list to identify these subscribers who are engaged to use in step 2.

Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 5 or More Times in The Last 30 Days

Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 3 or More Times in The Last 90 Days

Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 1 or More Times in The Last 180 Days

Engaged Users Who Have Opened OR Clicked 3 or More Times in The Last 30 Days

Engaged Users Who Have Opened OR Clicked 1 or More Times in The Last 30 Days

Step 2:

Create an email campaign schedule to follow using the engaged segments you've created.

  1. Week 1: Send three campaigns to the segment Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 5 or More Times in The Last 30 Days. After each send analyze your metrics to verify open and clickthrough rates are high and unsubscribe and spam rates are low.
  2. Week 2: If engagement metrics are stable you can widen the next and send three campaigns to the Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 3 or More Times in The Last 30 Days.
  3. Week 3: Keep an eye on metrics to make sure engagement is high and spam rates low. Send three campaigns to Highly Engaged Users Who Have Opened AND Clicked 1 or More Times in The Last 30 Days.
  4. Week 4: Make sure you are asking subscribers to reply to your campaigns and send three campaigns to Engaged Users Who Have Opened OR Clicked 3 or More Times in The Last 30 Days.
  5. Week 5: Test your inbox rate with GlockApps spam tester and if all signals are green you can send 3 campaigns to Engaged Users Who Have Opened OR Clicked 1 or More Times in The Last 30 Days.

At the end of this protocol to improve sender reputation and recover email deliverability you'll have a segment of engaged subscribers who've opened or clicked your emails over the last 30 days. This will be your core email marketing segment to use for campaigns.

Finally, you can create a segment of subscribers who have not opened or clicked an email from you in 365 days and delete them from your list. Never engage with users after 365 days of non-engagement.

By following this protocol, you can significantly improve your email deliverability and ensure your messages reach your subscribers' inboxes [8].

Understand Email Deliverability Basics

Email deliverability is the likelihood of your email reaching the recipient's inbox without being marked as spam or promotional content [9].

It's based on your domain's setup, authentication, and reputation, and if something goes wrong, the burden is on your shoulders to fix it otherwise your email marketing efforts will go to waste.

Difference Between Delivery and Deliverability

Email delivery and deliverability are often used interchangeably, but are distinct concepts.

Delivery indicates whether your emails were received by the subscribers' email provider, while deliverability shows where your message lands if the subscriber does receive it [10].

Even with a stellar delivery rate, you can still have deliverability issues if your emails end up in the spam folder.

Key Factors Affecting Deliverability

Several key factors can impact your email deliverability:

  1. Sender reputation: Internet Service Providers (ISPs) react negatively to senders with low reputation scores, which range from 0-100. A higher score means better domain reputation and increased chances of reaching the inbox.
  2. Email authentication: Proper implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication technologies verifies that an email is sent from a legitimate source, improving deliverability.
  3. Content quality and relevance: Avoiding spam trigger words, using clear language, and providing relevant content to your subscribers can prevent spam filters from flagging your emails.
  4. Engagement rate: High complaint levels and low open rates indicate poor user feedback, which can negatively affect deliverability.
  5. Email list quality: Regularly cleaning your list of invalid or inactive email addresses to reduce bounce rates and maintain good deliverability.

Improve Email Content and Engagement

To boost your email deliverability, focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your subscribers. If your emails are boring and there's no personalization subscribers are more likely to mark your emails as spam.

A/B testing your subject lines and email content allows you to determine what works best for your audience. Test different variations and analyze open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics to optimize your campaigns.

By focusing on personalization, A/B testing, engagement-based segmentation, and list hygiene, you can significantly improve your email content and engagement, ultimately boosting your email deliverability [16].

Clean and Validate Your Email List

Regularly remove inactive or disengaged subscribers from your list, as they can harm your sender reputation and deliverability rates.

About 23% of emails in your list may be invalid, so it's essential to get rid of them to boost the open rates and click-through rates (CTR) of your email campaigns [17].

Verify email addresses using an email verification service to identify invalid, risky, or mistaken email addresses and typos. AI-powered email verification services like Verifalia can help you reduce your bounce rate and protect your sender reputation.

Add a sunset flow to your email strategy to re-engage inactive subscribers. A sunset flow is an email sequence sent to subscribers who haven't opened your emails for a set amount of time, usually 90 days [20].

This automation aims to get your contacts back into the loop by sending targeted emails with clear incentives, updates, and personalized content.

Optimize Email Sending Practices

To enhance your email deliverability, establish consistent sending patterns and manage your email frequency. Spam filters often scrutinize the sending patterns of email addresses [21].

Sending a massive volume of emails after long periods of inactivity or irregular sending can trigger suspicions and potentially lead to your emails being flagged as spam.

Consistently sending valuable, non-spammy content to your prospects helps build a positive sender reputation. Sticking to a regular and predictable sending pattern makes you appear more reliable and trustworthy to your prospects and email service providers.

As a result, your email deliverability improves over time when you send a predictable number of emails on a steady schedule.

When it comes to email frequency, it's crucial to keep an appropriate gap between emails. Sending too many emails in a short period can overwhelm your prospects and increase the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam.

Find the right balance that allows you to maintain consistent communication without bombarding your recipients. We recommend three campaigns per week at a minimum.

By implementing an email marketing calendar with 15 campaigns per month you are helping yourself to improve email deliverability and ensure your messages reach your prospects' inboxes successfully.

Now You Know How To Get Out of Spam

Recovering email deliverability is not very difficult once you have a plan like our step-by-step protocol. It just takes time but you can't shortcut the process otherwise you'll be back where you started - in spam.

Assess your current status to implement technical fixes and optimize content, each step has an impact on your overall email performance.

Remember, email deliverability is an ongoing process that requires attention and refinement. Keep your list clean, monitor engagement metrics, and follow sending best practices to maintain a strong sender reputation and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

With these strategies in place, you'll be well-equipped to boost your email marketing results and connect more effectively with your audience.

How to Recover Email Deliverability: Step-by-Step Guide To Get Out of Spam
Learn how to recover from email deliverability issues and get out of spam. Follow our step-by-step guide to improve your sender reputation.
How to Recover Email Deliverability: Step-by-Step Guide To Get Out of Spam
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 24
Email Marketing
8 min read

Email marketing is an effective way for businesses to promote their cannabis and CBD products, however many brands make the same critical mistake when starting their email strategy.

You do a quick Google search for popular email marketing platforms and choose the one at the top of the page. Big mistake! So what’s the deal, they’re all the same right?

We wish marijuana email marketing was that simple. The truth is many platforms are not CBD or cannabis friendly and will restrict you from doing or promoting certain things, leaving you high and dry (pun intended).

That’s why you need to choose a cannabis email marketing platform.

But don't worry, we've done the legwork for you. In this guide, we'll show you the best email marketing platforms that won't leave your cannabis or CBD business in a haze.

And no, we're not pushing any affiliate links here – just pure, unbiased recommendations based on our hands-on experience.

1. Klaviyo

Klaviyo, in our opinion, is the king of email marketing platforms in 2024, and not just for cannabis brands. With over 100,000 e-commerce brands from many different industries using the platform, they are dominating!

Currently, we use Klaviyo for all our cannabis clients as email flows are quick to build, and conditional logic means you can use data to divert lead traffic to the most relevant email content. The interface to build flows is also easy to use, especially for beginners.

Creating a campaign in Klaviyo is time-effective thanks to drag-and-drop universal modules that you can pre-save. It's not buggy or jumpy as many other email platform campaign builders can be. Designing and sending a campaign can be done in as little as 45 minutes if you have your content planned.

It also allows businesses to segment their email list based on subscriber behavior and data, which can help businesses target their promotions to the right audience.

And if you don’t know how to do this you can head over to the Klaviyo Academy to watch instructional videos on how to use the platform

The biggest drawback is if you plan on collecting reviews using Klaviyo due to the fact this module is an additional cost. However, having reviews and emails on one platform can be an advantage. You have to decide what's more important to you.

Klaviyo allows both cannabis and CBD businesses to promote their products with email as long as the products are legal in the state where the business is located.

Additionally, Klaviyo requires businesses to comply with all state and federal laws regarding the sale and marketing of cannabis and CBD products.


  • Can integrate with all of the other major platforms
  • Advanced list segmentation and automation
  • Designed specifically for e-commerce
  • Easy-to-use interface and builder


  • Customer support can be slow
  • No ability to build lead-generation landing pages
  • Standard reporting is subpar
  • Reviews are an additional cost


Klaviyo provides a free plan which makes it great if you’re just starting to use the platform. Pricing on paid plans is affordable starting at $20/ m with 5,000 email credits to 500 active profiles. Great for small brands.

However, you have to be smart when moving into larger plans. Klaviyo’s pricing is based on active profiles and so will push you to select a plan based on your list size.

Pro Tip: Do not select the package Klaviyo recommends, instead choose the package that more closely matches the average number of emails you send monthly based on your most active audience segment.

2. Sendlane

Sendlane is the new kid on the block but is already creating trouble on the playground for the big boys. The good news is that Sendlane is cannabis and CBD friendly too.

Similar to Klaviyo you can create email flows inside Sendlane based on different triggers. They cover all the basics like Abandon Cart and Checkout and from what we’ve seen are not missing anything.

There are pre-built templates for you to use when creating campaigns and the campaign builder is ok, although we prefer Klaviyo’s campaign builder.

The feature we enjoy the most is the machine learning that is deployed to better understand customer habits to retarget shoppers with emails specific to the individual.

When you go to their website the mission statement is “Unified email, SMS, and reviews for eCommerce. Better features. Better support. Better customer experience” and for us, the emphasis is on “Better Support”.

Sendlane provides you with dedicated customer support which is very useful if you’re new to email marketing or Sendlane’s features. Having a direct point of contact via Slack can help resolve problems very quickly.

But the feature, if you can call it that, we like the most is the included Academy Pro Bundle which has 50+ video course modules that’ll teach you everything you need to know about email marketing basics.

Similar to the Klaviyo Academy its focus is more on marketing principles to train your team on effective email marketing strategies not just platform features.


  • Dedicated customer support
  • High deliverability rates
  • Custom event triggers
  • Video education
  • Reviews are included


  • Customizing email templates can be tricky
  • No free entry pricing plan
  • Limited integrations
  • The email builder is outdated
  • List segmentation can be confusing


Unlike Klaviyo, Sendlane does not offer a free plan but starts at $600/ m with 500,000 email credits. This can be annoying if you’re not sending enough emails every month to use them all. It’s overkill and you’re paying for something you don’t need.

3. Alpine IQ

Alpine IQ is a dedicated cannabis platform that includes email marketing, inventory planning, loyalty programs, data analytics from first and third-party sources, retail sales tracking, and integration with your offline dispensary store systems.

They are a true cannabis-centric platform! Sounds great, what's the catch?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Jack of all trades, master of none”? When you try and do everything, instead of being great, you end up being just good and that was our experience with Alpine IQ.

The email marketing capabilities could be better and more robust like Klaviyo’s or Sendlane. You can create basic email funnels however the conditional logic to split flows based on profile data is not as capable as Klaviyo. The email builder is also very chunky which is frustrating to use.

The result is email designs that look like they were made in 2010. Not very appealing.

The biggest advantage of Alpine IQ is its ability to manage inventory if you’re a cannabis dispensary and integrate with your point of sales in-store.


  • Data analytics and reporting
  • Fast customer service 
  • Audience segmentation across online and offline


  • Poor email marketing capabilities
  • Steep learning curve 
  • Limited third-party integrations 


Alpine IQ does not have set pricing available on their website. All packages are custom-built with their sales teams. This means it's not a viable option for small cannabis businesses that primarily need email marketing. If you’re looking for an enterprise solution, Alpine IQ might be for you.

4. Mailchimp

Mailchimp's acceptable use policy prohibits promoting any "illegal, harmful, or offensive products or services." While cannabis and CBD are legal in some states and countries, they're still classified as illegal at the federal level in the United States.

As a result, Mailchimp has a policy against promoting cannabis and CBD products. However, Mailchimp does allow certain types of content related to these products. According to their policy:

"Mailchimp allows content related to cannabis and CBD as long as it is not promoting the sale or use of illegal or harmful products, and the content complies with all applicable laws and regulations."

This means that if you're a cannabis or CBD business, you can still use Mailchimp to send newsletters, updates, and other content related to your products.

However, you can't use Mailchimp to promote the sale or use of illegal or harmful products, such as marijuana, that are not legal for medical or recreational use in your state or country. Which means it’s a no-go for cannabis e-commerce brands.

Overall, Mailchimp is an ok option for cannabis and CBD businesses that want to send educational content to their subscribers, although it’s not a platform we’d recommend.


  • It’s an easy-to-use, clean interface
  • Integrations with almost every platform
  • The new email builder is very good
  • Solid marketing automation


  • Poor list management and segmentation
  • Customer support is terrible
  • Email templates are very basic
  • Signup forms are confusing


Mailchimp offers a free trial for 1 month before moving to $20/ m for the smallest package which allows you to send 6,000 emails to 500 contacts. Mailchimps pricing is based on a model similar to Klaviyo's.

However, if you want to send transactional emails, there will be an additional cost.

5. Moosend

Moosend is THC and CBD-friendly and can be used for cannabis and CBD email marketing.

The platform comes with all the standard features such as campaigns, templates, and growth tools like a landing page builder. The template library is large with many options to choose from and emails are easy enough to build.

Just like Klaviyo and Sendlane, you can build email funnels they call a “recipe” for triggers such as abandon cart and post-purchase. However, we found the ability to segment these funnels not as comprehensive as Klaviyo’s flows.

Overall it's a decent email marketing platform to use if you use WooCommerce or Magento. Moosend does not integrate with Shopify which makes this its biggest drawback. However, on the bright side, you can send unlimited monthly emails to your subscribers.

Dedicated IP addresses are only available on Moosend+ plan which leads us to question their email deliverability. Having access to dedicated domains and IPs is very important if you want reassurance that your emails will not go to spam.


  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Unlimited email sends
  • Lead capture forms are outdated
  • Insightful reporting


  • No Shopify integration
  • Automated triggers limited
  • Too simple for advanced users
  • Support is limited to live chat


Moosend offers a free trial for 30 days before you have to upgrade to their minimum paid plan of $7/ m for 500 contacts. Even with a larger list of 100,000+ it is still very affordable at $499/ m.

However advanced features like transactional emails and dedicated IPs, which come standard with Klaviyo, are only available on their Custom and Enterprise plans.

6. Omnisend

Omnisend is a capable email marketing platform for e-commerce brands and is confirmed to be cannabis friendly.

Omnisend is a full-featured powerhouse designed to cater to the unique needs of e-commerce businesses, including those in the CBD industry. With its robust email assets and user-friendly interface, Omnisend empowers CBD marketers to create compelling campaigns without getting lost in technical complexities.

However, it's worth noting that while Omnisend excels in many areas, some experienced marketers might find its automation capabilities somewhat limited compared to more advanced platforms.

Nevertheless, for most CBD businesses looking to create effective, compliant email marketing campaigns, Omnisend provides an excellent balance of functionality and ease of use.


  • Customer support
  • Drag and drop email builder
  • Clean interface
  • Pre-built segments


  • Weak analytics
  • Does not show email conversion rates
  • Lack of advanced features
  • Can be expensive


Omnisend starts at $16/ m for just 500 contacts and is limited to 6,000 email sends monthly. However, there is also a free plan which is limited to 500 emails per month. The ability to collect customer reviews is included.

If you have a larger list you will have to upgrade, which many users report can be expensive.

Key Takeaway: Klaviyo Is the Best Cannabis Email Marketing Platform

Finding a reliable email service provider is essential for cannabis and CBD businesses looking to promote their products through email marketing.

Several email service providers allow these types of businesses to promote their products as long as they comply with all state and federal laws, however, in our opinion, Klaviyo is the best.

This is not just because it is our preferred platform but also due to its extensive features, easy-to-use interface, robust campaign builder, and detailed email flows.

Want to take your cannabis or CBD business to the next level with effective email marketing? Our expert team has years of experience in SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and data analysis.

We're ready to help you reach new customers and grow your business. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services.

The Best Cannabis & CBD Email Marketing Platforms
Find out which is the best email marketing platform for cannabis and CBD businesses. Uncover the pros, cons, and pricing for six popular platforms.
The Best Cannabis & CBD Email Marketing Platforms
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
Business Growth
5 min read

Social media marketing has become an essential component of any modern marketing strategy. For cannabis businesses, social media marketing presents a unique opportunity to engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

However, cannabis social media marketing faces unique challenges when it comes to social media platforms due to the industry's legal and regulatory constraints.

In this article, we will explore why social media marketing is crucial for any cannabis business, the annoying challenges, and how they can effectively navigate the social media landscape to stay legally compliant.

How Cannabis Companies Can Utilize Social Media

With over 3.6 billion people active on social media, cannabis, and CBD businesses can connect with a vast audience and create an online presence that reflects their brand's values and mission.

Social media platforms also provide businesses with a way to showcase their products and services, share industry news and updates, and promote their events and promotions.

Challenges Cannabis Businesses Face on Social Media

However, the cannabis industry faces unique challenges when it comes to social media marketing. Due to the industry's legal and regulatory constraints, cannabis businesses must navigate a complex web of rules and regulations that limit their ability to advertise and promote their products on social media platforms.

For example, advertising any cannabis-related products on Facebook or Instagram is strictly prohibited, as these platforms have strict policies against promoting the use of illegal drugs.

Additionally, cannabis businesses must comply with state and federal laws governing how they can advertise and promote their products.

For example, some states have strict rules regarding using certain words or phrases in advertising, while others prohibit using certain imagery or graphics.

Navigating the Social Media Landscape for Cannabis Businesses

Despite the challenges, cannabis businesses can still effectively utilize social media platforms to engage with their target audience and promote their products.

Here are some tips for navigating the social media landscape:

1. Focus on Building a Strong Brand Presence

Instead of focusing solely on promoting products, cannabis businesses should focus on building a strong brand presence on social media.

This means creating engaging content, sharing industry news and updates, and showcasing the company's values and mission.

2. Utilize Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be an effective way for cannabis businesses to reach new audiences and promote their products.

By partnering with influencers and thought leaders in the industry, businesses can leverage their reach and credibility to promote their products and services.

3. Leverage Alternative Social Media Platforms

While Facebook and Instagram may not be viable options for cannabis businesses, there are alternative social media platforms that cater to the cannabis industry.

Platforms such as Leafly, Weedmaps, and MassRoots provide businesses with a way to connect with their target audience and promote their products.

4. Stay Up-To-Date on Regulations

Cannabis businesses must stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and guidelines regarding advertising and promotion.

By staying informed, businesses can ensure that their social media marketing efforts comply with state and federal laws.


Social media marketing is a crucial component of any modern marketing strategy, and cannabis businesses are no exception.

While the industry faces unique challenges when it comes to advertising and promotion, businesses can still effectively utilize social media platforms to engage with their target audience and build brand awareness.

By focusing on building a strong brand presence, utilizing influencer marketing, leveraging alternative social media platforms, and staying up-to-date on regulations, cannabis businesses can navigate the social media landscape and drive sales.

Cannabis Social Media Marketing: How It Can Be Done
Learn how to use cannabis social media marketing to engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive more sales while staying compliant.
Cannabis Social Media Marketing: How It Can Be Done
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
Business Growth
5 min read

If you own a cannabis dispensary making sure your customers are happy will be key to your dispensary retention marketing. Dispensary reputation management is crucial to building a successful brand that customers trust and recommend to others.

This blog will discuss tips for building positive dispensary reputation management.

Establishing a Positive Online Presence

Customers often turn to the internet to research businesses and make purchasing decisions in today's digital world. Establishing a positive online presence helps you control the information that appears online about your dispensary and build trust with your customers.

To establish a positive online presence, you need to:

Claim and Optimize Your Business Listings

To build an authoritative online presence, you need to ensure that you appear in online business directories and listings. Claiming and optimizing your listings with accurate information about your dispensary helps customers find you easily.

Engage with Your Customers

Engaging with your customers can help you build relationships and trust. Responding to customer queries, reviews, and social media interactions shows that your dispensary is active and cares about its customers' experiences.

Post Regularly on Social Media

Posting regularly on social media is necessary to keep your customers engaged and informed. It also helps to increase your reach and attract new customers.

Providing High-Quality Products and Services

Providing high-quality products and services is the backbone of any successful dispensary. Customers expect to receive the best products and services from your dispensary, and you are responsible for meeting their expectations.

To provide high-quality products and services, you need to:

Source Quality Products 

Sourcing quality products is essential to building a positive reputation. Customers will only recommend your dispensary if they are satisfied with the quality of your products.

Train Your Staff

The quality of service provided by your employees plays a significant role in building a positive reputation. Training your staff to offer the best customer service and educating them on your products helps ensure that customers have an excellent experience at your dispensary.

Offer Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing is essential to attracting and retaining customers. Customers are always looking for the best value for their money, and if your dispensary offers reasonable pricing, you are likely to attract more customers.

Provide a Clean and Safe Environment

Providing a clean and safe environment is essential to building a positive reputation. Customers expect a dispensary to be a clean and safe place to shop, and if your dispensary meets these expectations, you are likely to build a positive reputation.

Building a Strong Brand Image

Building a strong brand image is essential to building a positive reputation. A strong brand image sets your dispensary apart from the competition and helps build customer trust.

To build a strong brand image, you need to:

Develop a Unique Brand Identity

Developing a unique brand identity is essential to differentiating your dispensary from the competition. Developing a unique logo and design for your dispensary helps customers recognize your business and build trust.

Consistency is Key

Being consistent in terms of quality, customer service, and pricing helps customers know what to expect from your dispensary. It also helps to build a strong customer base that will remain loyal over time.

Leverage Influencers

Influencers can be effective in helping to build a positive reputation for your dispensary. Collaborating with influencers allows you to access their large following and reach potential customers.


Building a positive cannabis dispensary reputation is crucial to building a successful brand. Following these tips can make a positive reputation for your dispensary that customers trust and recommend to others.

If you take the time to implement these strategies, you are likely to see positive results in terms of customer loyalty and trust.

Looking to grow your dispensary's revenue? Our expert team specializes in SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and data analysis to help you reach your revenue goals.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to partner with the leading cannabis dispensary digital marketing agency today!

Tips for Building a Positive Cannabis Dispensary Reputation
Make sure your customers come back to your cannabis dispensary with these proven strategies to increase your reputation and revenue.
Tips for Building a Positive Cannabis Dispensary Reputation
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
Business Growth
7 min read

Starting a cannabis business is not as simple as opening an online store or dispensary and offering products. The industry is highly regulated, and businesses must comply with state and federal laws to avoid legal problems.

Of course, marketing also matters because a cannabis business is still a business and must differentiate itself from its competitors to succeed.

In addition, some still stigmatize the industry, and businesses must work hard to educate the public and change perceptions about cannabis.

Marketing can help businesses achieve these goals and build a loyal customer base. Despite this, many cannabis businesses still struggle because they often face restrictions on traditional advertising and marketing channels.

To overcome these challenges, cannabis businesses must avoid committing several mistakes.

1. Making Presumptions about Your Target Market

One of the biggest mistakes cannabis businesses can make is assuming they know their target market.

The cannabis industry is diverse, and customers come from all walks of life. Businesses must conduct market research to understand customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors.

This will help businesses tailor their marketing efforts and products to meet customers' demands.

2. Not Keeping Up with Cannabis Marketing Regulations

The cannabis industry is highly regulated, and businesses must adhere to strict marketing regulations to avoid legal problems.

For example, businesses cannot make health claims about their products, use certain words or images in marketing, or market to minors. Moreover, businesses must stay updated on the latest regulations to avoid costly fines and legal problems.

For example, in California, cannabis businesses must adhere to the Bureau of Cannabis Control's advertising regulations, which include rules such as not making false or misleading statements in advertisements, not advertising in locations where more than 71.6% of the audience is reasonably expected to be under the age of 21, and including required disclaimer language in advertisements.

3. Making Misleading Claims about Cannabis Products

Making false or misleading claims about cannabis products can damage a business's reputation and lead to legal problems.

For one, businesses cannot claim that their products cure or treat medical conditions unless they have scientific evidence to support their claims.

In addition, businesses must be careful not to make claims about the potency or quality of their products that are not supported by testing and analysis. Misleading claims about the potency or quality of cannabis products can lead to dissatisfied customers and legal problems.

4. Failure to Distinguish Yourself from the Competition

The cannabis industry is highly competitive, and businesses must differentiate themselves from their competitors to succeed. This means offering unique products, providing excellent customer service, and establishing a strong brand identity.

Businesses should invest in creating a memorable brand that resonates with their target audience and sets them apart from their competitors.

Otherwise, you risk being in a sea of similar businesses and may struggle to attract customers. Finding ways to stand out is essential, whether through innovative product offerings, exceptional customer service, or a memorable brand identity.

Failure to do so can result in a lack of customer loyalty and difficulty establishing a strong foothold in the industry.

5. Failure to Educate Your Audience

Some still stigmatize the cannabis industry, and businesses must work hard to educate the public and change perceptions about cannabis.

Businesses should invest in educating their customers about the benefits of cannabis, the different types of products available, and how to use them safely and responsibly. This will help businesses build customer trust and establish themselves as industry leaders.

6. Using Cartoonish Images

Using cartoonish images in marketing can make a business appear unprofessional and juvenile. This can be especially damaging for cannabis businesses already fighting against negative stereotypes.

Businesses should avoid cartoonish images and instead opt for professional, high-quality visuals that reflect their brand identity.

7. Perpetuating Stereotypes

The cannabis industry has long been associated with negative stereotypes, such as lazy stoners or drug addicts.

Businesses should avoid perpetuating these stereotypes in their marketing and instead focus on portraying cannabis as a legitimate and beneficial product.

This means avoiding images or language reinforcing harmful stereotypes and using positive and informative messaging instead.


Starting and running a successful cannabis business requires more than just offering great products. For this reason, you must invest in marketing to attract customers, build your brand ethically and responsibly, and comply with local laws and regulations.

This way, you can look forward to long-term success and positive growth in the cannabis industry.

5 Common Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Cannabis Businesses
Cannabis marketing lives in a grey area, but there are still best practices you should follow. Avoid making these 7 mistakes for a thriving business.
5 Common Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Cannabis Businesses
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
Industry News
5 min read

As the cannabis industry continues to expand, competition is increasing, and it's becoming more challenging to stand out from the crowd. That's where a cannabis marketing agency comes in.

Agencies will help create and implement strategies to promote your brand and products, and their expertise can make a significant difference in a brand's success. However, finding the ideal cannabis marketing agency for your brand can be difficult, especially if it's your first time.

Below are some tips to help you find the perfect fit for your brand and precautions so you don’t get duped.

Research the Agency's Experience and Expertise

When it comes to finding the ideal marketing agency, experience and expertise are crucial. You want to work with an agency that has a proven record of success in the cannabis industry.

Look for an agency that specializes in cannabis marketing and has experience working with brands similar to yours.

Ask for case studies, references and 3rd party reviews to see how they have helped other brands achieve their marketing goals.

The best is to make sure they cannabis marketing agency you are considering has video testimonials from current clients as these are difficult to fake. Fake written case studies and reviews are unfortunately a reality with less reputable agencies in 2024.

Consider the Cannabis Marketing Agency's Services

Marketing agencies offer a range of services, from social media management to SEO and PPC advertising. Determine what services your brand needs and find an agency that offers them.

Do not go into a conversation with an agency not knowing what services as you could be sold something you really don’t need that will not help your business increase revenue.

To determine what agency services you need start with your most urgent problem. Are you have trouble finding new customers? Then you have an acquisition problem and most likely need something like SEO or paid advertising.

Are you finding it difficult to increase customer LTV and repeat purchases? The most liely you have a retention problem and should focus on email marketing, cross selling products and customer experience.

Look for a company that can offer a thorough marketing plan that incorporates both acquisition and retention marketing strategies.

A good agency will collaborate with you to create a unique marketing strategy that is tailored to the requirements of your brand.

Evaluate the Agency's Communication and Collaboration

When collaborating with a cannabis marketing firm, communication and cooperation are crucial. You want to work with an agency that is responsive and easy to communicate with. You don’t want to be left in the dark as to what is benign worked on.

Look for an agency that assigns a dedicated account manager to your brand, so you have a single point of contact. Communication should happen in business channels and be structured according to projects and teams. The best platform for this in our opinion is Slack.

Also, consider an agency's collaboration process. A good agency will work closely with your team to ensure that your brand's voice and messaging are consistent across all marketing channels.

Check the Agency's Industry Connections

The cannabis market is still rather young and is always changing. A marketing agency with strong industry connections can provide your brand with valuable insights and opportunities.

Look for an agency that is active in the cannabis community and has relationships with industry influencers, media outlets, and other relevant stakeholders.

Consider the Agency's Pricing and ROI

Marketing agencies can be expensive, so it's essential to consider your budget when choosing an agency. However, don't base your choice solely on pricing. It's crucial to consider an agency's track record for delivering an ROI to its clients.

Look for an agency that can provide you with measurable results that justify the cost. A good agency will be transparent about its pricing and ROI and will work with you to develop a marketing plan that fits your budget.

Its important to remember that an ROI can take time to appear on your balance sheet, especially for services like SEO. The marketing agency you go with should propose a plan to achieve reasonably quick wins while results compound.

Look for an Agency That Understands Compliance

The cannabis industry is heavily regulated, and marketing regulations can be complex. Look for an agency that understands compliance and can ensure that your brand's marketing efforts comply with all relevant laws and regulations. 

A good agency will have experience navigating compliance issues and can help you avoid costly mistakes.

Consider the Agency's Creative Approach

A creative approach can make a significant difference in your brand's marketing success. Look for an agency that can bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table.

A good agency will develop a creative strategy that sets your brand apart and captures the attention of your target audience.


Finding the ideal cannabis marketing agency for your brand requires careful consideration of several factors. Remember, a good agency will work with your brand to develop a customized plan that meets your specific needs and delivers measurable results.

Partner with a cannabis marketing agency that helps your brand grow predictable recurring revenue through data analysis, content marketing, SEO, and email marketing.

Let Maaly be your trusted partner to achieve your business goals. Contact us today to get started!

Choosing the Ideal Cannabis Marketing Agency for Your Brand
You own a cannabis brand and want to start marketing, so you look for a cannabis marketing agency to help, but how do you choose the best one?
Choosing the Ideal Cannabis Marketing Agency for Your Brand
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
Industry News
5 min read

When people don’t understand something they tend to demonize it. This is easier than taking the time to learn more about a subject before making a judgment. Cannabis marketing is no exception.

Since the legalization of cannabis in some states in America, the industry has become popular with new products appearing every day. However, cannabis marketing remains a sensitive issue due to the stigma around the substance.

As such, there are many myths surrounding cannabis marketing that need debunking. And that's what we’re going to do.

Myth 1: Cannabis Marketing Targets the Youth

One of the most common myths surrounding cannabis marketing is that it targets the youth and encourages them to get addicted to weed. However, this is not true.

The legal cannabis industry is highly regulated, and companies are prohibited from marketing their cannabis products to minors. In fact, most cannabis companies go to great lengths to ensure that their marketing campaigns are targeted at adult consumers only.

This includes using age-gating on their websites to prevent minors from buying their products and social media channels to prevent minors from accessing their content.

Myth 2: Cannabis Marketing Encourages Drug Abuse

Another myth surrounding cannabis marketing is that it encourages drug abuse and addiction. However, this is not true.

Cannabis companies are not in the business of promoting drug abuse to their customers. Instead, they are focused on providing safe and effective products for adult consumers who choose to use cannabis out of their own free will.

Many cannabis companies are committed to promoting responsible use of cannabis and educating consumers about the potential risks and benefits of using cannabis so that they are fully informed before making a purchasing decision.

Myth 3: Cannabis Marketing is Unregulated

Another common myth surrounding cannabis marketing is that it is unregulated. However, this is not true. The legal cannabis industry is highly regulated, and cannabis companies must comply with a range of laws and regulations.

This includes strict rules around advertising and marketing, which are designed to prevent companies from making false or misleading claims about their products.

In addition, many states require cannabis companies to obtain specific licenses before they can market their products.

Myth 4: Cannabis Marketing is Limited to Online Channels

Another myth surrounding cannabis marketing is that it is limited to online channels. However, dispensary marketing is primarily done offline.

While online marketing is an important part of the cannabis industry, companies also use a range of other marketing channels, including print media, billboards, and event sponsorship.

In fact, many cannabis companies are finding success with experiential marketing, which allows them to engage with consumers in a more meaningful way.

Myth 5: Cannabis Marketing is Only for Recreational Use

Another common myth surrounding cannabis marketing is that it is only for recreational use.

While many cannabis products are designed for recreational use, many products are designed for medical use. In fact, medical cannabis is a growing industry, and many cannabis companies are focused on developing products that can help treat a range of medical conditions.


There are many myths surrounding cannabis marketing that are simply not true. Cannabis companies are highly regulated and are committed to promoting responsible use of cannabis.

They are not in the business of promoting drug abuse, and they do not target children with their marketing campaigns. While online marketing is an important part of the cannabis industry, companies also use a range of other marketing channels, and many products are designed for medical use.

It is important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to cannabis marketing and to understand the regulations that govern the industry.

Cannabis Marketing: Dispelling Common Myths & Misconceptions
People often think cannabis marketing is a dirty grey zone with shady characters. This is far from the truth. This and other myths we are going to dispel.
Cannabis Marketing: Dispelling Common Myths & Misconceptions
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
7 min read

If you're a cannabis entrepreneur, you're likely aware of the challenges in promoting a cannabis business online - attracting customers, maintaining compliance, avoiding website shutdowns, and staying competitive.

Thriving in the fiercely competitive world of online marketing is undoubtedly tough, especially when adhering to federal regulations. One effective channel is cannabis SEO.

Many companies that attempt online marketing without sufficient expertise end up wasting their resources if they don't know what they’re doing.

In these financially challenging times, being cautious about how you invest your money is crucial. This piece will provide a comprehensive understanding of the most SEO strategies for cannabis businesses and how to get started.

The Importance of SEO for Cannabis Businesses

Is SEO for cannabis truly essential? This query frequently arises among cannabis business owners. Let's examine the significance of incorporating cannabis SEO into your marketing strategy.

As more states and countries legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use, the demand for cannabis products is rising. This presents a massive opportunity for businesses in the industry to expand their market share and increase revenues.

Internet marketing using SEO is essential to reaching this growing audience and creating brand awareness.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

The legal marijuana industry is becoming increasingly competitive. To stay ahead, businesses must adopt effective marketing strategies that differentiate them from their competitors.

Cannabis SEO can help businesses in the cannabis sector stand out and attract more customers.

Compliance with Advertising Regulations

The cannabis industry is subject to strict regulations, particularly at the federal level, where it has been classified as a Schedule Class I drug since 1970 with the CSA enactment. This makes promoting a legal marijuana business, such as a cannabis dispensary or CBD company, quite challenging.

Traditional marketing strategies like paid advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are difficult to employ since these platforms adhere to federal laws.

You might be wondering if it's possible to promote your cannabis dispensary through a Google Ads campaign, but unfortunately, that's not an option either. Like social media platforms, Google follows federal regulations, which means it does not allow cannabis marketing.

Thus, if paid advertising is not the most cost-effective method for promoting a cannabis business, what should you do instead? You can enhance your website to create a strong and reliable brand presence on search engines.

Embracing Cannabis SEO to Drive Organic Traffic

As a business owner venturing into the digital world, you might have encountered the intimidating phrase "Search Engine Optimization." Understandably, grasping and applying an SEO plan for a cannabis business can appear daunting and, even worse, an unneeded cost.

However, as more consumers turn to Google for details and evaluations of the newest CBD products or trends, SEO can be crucial for a company's survival.

Search Engine Optimization is critical to any successful digital marketing strategy, and the cannabis industry is no exception. It is a broad term that includes various sub-tactics.

It plays a vital role in cannabis marketing campaigns by aiming to increase brand visibility, and brand recognition and, most importantly, establish trust among a specific audience segment. Organic search results, often called 'natural' listings, appear below the paid advertisements and may be marked as 1, 2, 3, or 4.

These numbers assigned to each website within a specific organic search result indicate their position or ranking on Google. So how do you utilize this digital marketing strategy yourself?

1. Keyword Research

To rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), your website must be optimized for relevant keywords. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms your target audience is using to search for products and services in the legal marijuana industry.

Once you have a list of potential keywords, incorporate them into your website's content, meta tags, and URLs.

2. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of individual web pages to improve search engine rankings. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and image alt tags.

Ensure that your content is well-structured and easy to read, and use internal and external links to enhance user experience and boost SEO.

3. Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO involves strategies that help increase your website's visibility and authority on the web. This includes building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, social media marketing, and guest blogging.

For example, contact reputable websites and blogs related to the cannabis industry and request to contribute content or collaborate on a project. Off-page SEO is essential for improving your cannabis website's search engine rankings and driving organic traffic to your site.

4. Local SEO

For businesses in the legal marijuana industry, targeting a local audience is essential. Check that your website is optimized for local SEO by including your business's name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your site.

Additionally, create and optimize your Google My Business listing, which will help improve your visibility on Google Maps and local search results. Then, submit your business to reputable online directories and citation websites, such as Yelp, Foursquare, and Leafly.


Cannabis SEO is an essential aspect of digital marketing for cannabis businesses. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, collaborate with reputable websites, and engage with your target audience on social media to further enhance your online presence and establish your authority within the legal marijuana industry.

Don't let your cannabis business miss out on potential growth opportunities—partner with Maaly, the best cannabis SEO marketing agency. We'll help you achieve predictable recurring revenue using proven digital marketing strategies like SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and data analysis. Let's take your brand to new heights today.

Best Cannabis SEO Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Online Revenue
Cannabis SEO is a method of attracting more website traffic so that you can increase organic revenue. Follow these steps to better search engine ranking.
Best Cannabis SEO Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Online Revenue
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
Aug 20
5 min read

Any good SEO strategy needs to include high-quality content that your audience will find useful in answering their search queries. This can be written blog articles, educational and entertaining videos, images, infographics, and more.

The purpose of this content is to establish your website as an authority in the eyes of readers and search engines. This keeps users entertained and informed but it also helps your website rank higher on search engines like Google.

In the highly competitive cannabis industry, more brands are turning to SEO to attract potential customers to their websites, however, most are fighting over the same audiences online.

These businesses need to set themselves apart from their rivals and connect with their desired audience. Content marketing plays a vital role in achieving this. This article will dive into the many benefits of cannabis content marketing.

1. Increased Brand Awareness and Credibility

Content marketing offers a major advantage in boosting brand recognition and trustworthiness. By sharing useful and pertinent information with your target demographic, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable authority within the cannabis sector. 

This expertise consequently fosters confidence and reliability among your audience, making them more inclined to select your brand over rivals.

Additionally, as you continue to create and share high-quality content, your brand will become more visible online. This increased visibility will help to attract new customers and keep your existing ones engaged, ultimately leading to more business.

2. Improved Search Engine Rankings

One of the best ways to improve your online presence is by optimizing your content for search engines, a process known as search engine optimization (SEO). Content marketing is an essential component of any effective SEO strategy.

Producing top-notch, keyword-focused content that is useful and pertinent to your target audience can boost your search engine rankings. 

As a result, when someone looks for products related to cannabis, your business has a higher chance of showing up at the top of the search results. This enhanced visibility can drive more traffic to your website and, eventually increase organic revenue.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Retention

Content marketing is a highly effective strategy for maintaining and attracting customers. You can sustain your audience's interest and encourage them to return by offering useful and pertinent information.

This involvement can result in enhanced customer connections and improved customer retention.

Additionally, regularly sharing new and engaging content gives your customers a reason to follow your brand and stay connected. This ongoing engagement can help keep your brand top-of-mind, making customers more likely to think of you when they need cannabis-related products or services.

When combined with email marketing newsletters sent to your email list, this effect becomes even more powerful.

4. Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a more cost-effective way to reach your target audience than traditional advertising methods. Creating and sharing content is often less expensive than running ads continually, and the results can be long-lasting.

Once you've created a piece of content, it can continue to attract and engage your audience for an extended period, provided it is updated regularly. This benefits your business continually for many months, if not years, after it was posted.

Online ads on the other hand are only effective when you’re paying the bill to Facebook Ads or Google Ads. As soon as you stop the ads, the traffic will also end.

Moreover, content marketing can help you reach a more targeted audience, ensuring that your marketing efforts are directed toward the most likely to be interested in your products or services.

This targeted approach can lead to better conversion rates and a higher return on investment.

5. Increased Social Media Presence

Social media platforms are essential for businesses in the cannabis industry, as they provide a space to connect with customers, share valuable information, and showcase your products.

Content marketing can boost your social media presence by providing engaging content to share with your followers.

Regularly sharing high-quality, valuable content on your social media channels can increase your reach and attract new followers. Furthermore, engaging content is more likely to be shared by your followers, helping to amplify your brand's reach even further.

The best form of cannabis content marketing on social media right now is YouTube and TikTok. Video marketing is a powerful strategy to increase website SEO and engage viewers, just make sure your videos are compliant and do not directly advertise your cannabis products.

It's best to focus on educational and entertaining video content about topics within the industry that don’t promote the sale of cannabis or CBD.


In a fast-growing and competitive industry, cannabis content marketing can be a game-changer. By investing in content marketing, cannabis and CBD businesses can successfully grow their revenue.

Embrace content marketing today to unlock the full potential of your cannabis business and stay ahead of the competition.

If you’re interested in cannabis content marketing, you’re in the right place. At Maaly, we can help you create effective digital marketing campaigns for your cannabis e-commerce brand. Let’s work together to find the right marketing solutions for your business.

Become a partner today. Contact us to learn more and get started!

High Time for Good Content—Cannabis Content Marketing Needs
Learn how to succeed at SEO with good quality cannabis content that your audience will find useful and help your website rank on search engines.
High Time for Good Content—Cannabis Content Marketing Needs
Paul de Bruin
Founder at Maaly
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